Convertible backpack and tote bag in one, you can carry it as a backpack or handbag in shopping, traveling, school, outdoor etc. Large capacity and lightweight backpack can carry your daily essentials like umbrellas, A4 books, mini pad and 15 inch computer etc. MOLLE belts on the outside of backpack allow it carry extra small bags and something you need.
- Made of high quality durable and water resistant material, solid and rainproof.
- One main compartment and one zippered inner bag for classified storage, zippered inner bag can store your small items like cash, cards, keys etc.
- Sliding shoulder straps design allows it will be closed automatically when you carry it on the shoulder and don't need to worry about losing your items.
- Foam pad on back and thickened shoulder straps for stereoscopic and comfort carrying.
- A Great gift for your friends and family.
- Four optional colors: black, grey, camo and python.
- 42cm/16.535in(L) x 28cm/11.024in(W) x 18cm/7.087in(T)